Chlorine [Cl] (CAS-ID: 7782-50-5) locate me
An: 17 N: 18 Am: 35.453
Group No: 17 Group Name: Halogen
Block: p-block Period: 3
State: gas at 298 K
Colour: yellowish green Classification: Non-metallic
Boiling Point: 239.1K (-34.04'C)
Melting Point: 172.16K (-101.5'C)
Density: 3.2g/l
Shell Structure diagrams | Atomic Radius diagram

Discovery Information
Who: Karl Wilhelm Scheele
When: 1774
Where: Sweden
Name Origin
Greek: khloros (green).
Never found in free form in nature. Salt (sodium chloride, NaCl) is its most common compound. Chlorine is about two and a half times as heavy as air.
Used widely in paper product production, antiseptic, dyestuffs, food, insecticides, paints, petroleum products, plastics, medicines, textiles, solvents, and many other consumer products. Also found in water purification, bleaches and in other compounds such as chloro fluorocarbons (CFC).